Saturday saviors | Emergency Care NGOs in Chennai, India - (ALERT)

It's a New Year and it's time for all of us to embrace new opportunities and goals this year.

How about this New Year we all take a pledge to make our surroundings and society a safe place and become the guardians of safety around us? SAVIOR SATURDAYS is a free online training programme that equips you with the tools to carry out First Aid & Emergency Response whenever needed.

Our city Police, put in all their effort and their energy to protect us from any form of danger, being the first to respond always. A PEER Basic session was conducted on the 8th of January, 2022 for police personnels from different stations in Coimbatore. A total number of 54 participants were trained and empowered in emergency response and First-aid. We are glad to reach out to these dedicated personnel and thank them for their never ending support towards our cause to Save more Lives. 

Come be a part of our online training session every Saturday at sharp 3 PM, online. Visit Emergency Care NGOs in Chennai, India - (ALERT) savior saturdays and register today.


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